MSK Teaching Helpline

MSK Teaching Helpline

How do you know if you’re an effective teacher? What should you do if you feel like your skills are starting to slip? In order to be the best teacher you can be, it’s important to understand what makes an effective teacher and how you can keep improving your skills over time.


Welcome to Mind Set Knowledge (MSK) Life Clinic foundation.

MSK foundation is an outcome of a widespread research of Human mind and related behaviour.

MSK human life development theory is “Human life can be developed by modifying the preconscious mind set, unconscious mind set and pre-deposited unrealistic knowledge”. For benefit personal and universal wellness. Over the 25 years, MSK theory has been applied on more than 500 thousands human minds towards enlightening on their Education, Economy, Health and Business (Corporate Individual. Institution and Industry)

Types of teaching techniques

Teachers are wheel of the Institution, they run with self-load and paly load       MSK Theory

There are so many different types of teaching techniques that it’s impossible to list them all here. To understand each of these will require a considerable amount of research on your part.

In general, it’s easier to teach in one-on-one environments than with large groups of students, and most teachers find they prefer to make lesson plans ahead of time, though some like teaching without any preparation at all. Teachers must adapt their techniques based on student background and preference; what works for one may not work for another.

Lecture method of teaching

Teachers are running human capital of Institutions without running capital productivity is hardly uncertain- MSK Theory

The lecture method is most commonly used to transmit new knowledge, skills and information by a teacher to learners in a classroom. Lectures follow a traditional academic structure, usually beginning with an introduction that motivates students to learn more and provides them with background on what will be covered; progressing to main points that are then expanded upon; and closing with a summary of what was learned.

Also called didactic teaching, lectures are often held in large auditoriums or lecture halls and sometimes recorded for later listening or viewing. Since learning involves more than simply absorbing new information, questions from students and discussion among teachers and students often contribute directly to class instruction.

 There are several variations on lecturing, depending on whether you’re a teacher or a student. Teachers who lecture their students often use visual aids and other strategies to engage their students and keep them motivated.

Those who don’t like lectures can consider adopting certain study habits that make lectures easier to absorb and retain. Students who dislike lectures can learn about different teaching methods or finding different ways to present new information to help improve retention of what they’ve learned during class.

Discussion method of teaching

All Teachers are human but manufacturing whole holistic child human to the universe –MSK Theory

The discussion method of teaching is one of several kinds of interactive teaching methods. Also known as cooperative learning, it involves students working together to solve problems and construct their understanding by comparing notes and discussing.

There are many variations on how to implement a discussion-based classroom, so it’s important for teachers to stay focused on interaction over information—students should be talking with each other and not just listening to you talk. Teachers should create a safe environment for interaction by making students feel comfortable with sharing their thoughts before starting discussions.

The main challenge in using a discussion-based approach is that it takes time to do well: lectures are efficient, but they also aren’t particularly engaging or effective at helping students learn.

 Even if you aren’t using a discussion-based approach, there are plenty of ways to promote student engagement and keep students involved in their learning. First and foremost, students need to feel safe—both physically and psychologically—to be able to engage effectively.

This is important in any class but especially true when you’re challenging them on a topic they might not want to face or something they think they already know well. You can help build that sense of safety by providing real-world examples when appropriate and reminding them that they don’t have to get all of your questions right as long as they learn from their mistakes.

Demonstration method of teaching

This method is where you actually show a student how to do something. For example, you can show them how to get out of being in a bad mood or show them how to put together an object like a puzzle or model. This is great for hands-on learners who may need help visualizing something.

One problem with teaching through demonstration though is that some students don’t know what questions to ask about what they’ve learned and demonstration only gives so much information at once. You have be very concise with your demonstrations and make sure that it’s clear what kind of questions to ask afterward because not all students will understand on their own.

 If demonstration doesn’t work, try explanation. This is where you go into great detail about a concept, guiding your student to make connections as they go. Asking them questions and giving them activities to do will help solidify what they’re learning from you.

Be aware that some students don’t like explanations since it takes longer than demonstrations do and some learners just prefer to figure things out on their own. That’s okay! It’s more important that you find a way of teaching them which works for their personal style rather than forcing your style upon them.

Heuristic method of teaching

In pedagogy, a heuristic method is a method of teaching that aims to improve learners’ problem solving abilities by working through practical examples. The learner identifies an unsolved problem and, guided by hints from teacher and peers, applies successive approximations until an answer or solution to the problem is found. In educational psychology, a heuristic refers to a simple procedure that an individual uses to solve problems when exact procedures are not available.

Thus in learning theory, heuristic generally describes any behavior that leads toward a solution without having full information required for optimal solutions. The method of teaching known as teaching by modeling is based on observations that people sometimes imitate successful behavior or attitudes when learning or making decisions.

Modeling provides individuals with a concrete example of what is considered acceptable conduct or achievement within a given situation or environment. The modeling effect results from observing modeled behavior rather than just being told how things are done or why they should be done one way rather than another.

Problem solving method of teaching

Teachers often rely on problem-solving methods to teach their classes. This approach involves breaking down abstract concepts into small components, then teaching each part separately and in relation to other concepts. By finding a solution to one problem at a time, teachers can help students understand a concept from multiple angles and see how it fits with related topics.

The problem-solving method is easy for both teachers and students because it relies on specific examples and makes use of inductive reasoning skills like making predictions and applying past knowledge to new situations. When used by itself, though, problem solving tends to oversimplify topics—this method works best when used alongside more traditional methods.

 If you’d like to try teaching a class using problem solving methods, first plan your lesson. Map out each step of your lesson, including an introduction that explains why you’re teaching what you’re teaching. Next, break down each concept into individual steps and identify a problem that must be solved in order to complete each step.

For example, if your students are learning about plate tectonics, you might teach them how each layer of Earth’s crust forms through three main processes: subduction, sedimentation and volcanism. At first, it might seem confusing for students to tackle all three steps at once—but breaking down these processes into their component parts is necessary for understanding how they interact with one another.

English teaching methods

English teaching is a challenging field, and it’s so important to find a method that works for you. If you are teaching adults or children who don’t speak your native language, learning how to make your students feel comfortable will allow them to learn more effectively. Another important part of any English lesson is speaking with students one-on-one about what they’ve learned.

Group classes can be useful for practicing English or getting students up-to-speed on grammar concepts, but using these sessions to practice speaking will also make them more engaging and give your students extra opportunities to learn from their mistakes. MSK Teachers Help Line provides many different ways for teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) to improve their techniques and gives both educators and learners resources for improving language skills around the world!

Innovative teaching methods

If you’re struggling to teach your students how to read, it might be time to try an innovative teaching method. Traditional methods (like phonics) are not always as effective for some students as more innovative teaching methods. There is no one best way of teaching reading—but if you feel like your previous methods aren’t working, there’s no harm in trying something new!

Teaching methods come in all shapes and sizes—here are some of our favorites: Breakdown by lesson : This method helps teachers break down each lesson into smaller chunks that build on one another. Each lesson is then taught a different day of school, allowing children to absorb information better and slowing down learning for those who struggle with traditional pacing strategies.

 This method is especially effective for younger students who need time to process information, and can be used across multiple age groups. It’s also a great choice for teachers with minimal teaching experience, as it builds on previously taught skills over time in a way that keeps students engaged and learning about their new skill without getting overwhelmed or bored.

Vocabulary : This method focuses on creating strong student word identification strategies, including teaching strategies like blending sounds together to create words and providing context clues when reading texts. This technique focuses on how well students understand what they read more than fluency—but if you’re not looking to improve your student’s speed, then vocabulary may be a great choice!Guided Reading: Guided reading allows each student to focus on individualized instruction.

Modern methods of teaching

Internet-Based Teaching : Instead of spending hours in front of a chalkboard or whiteboard, teachers can use their Internet connection to help students from across town or around the world. By using something like an online classroom or video conferencing system, teachers can extend their presence across town and even around world.

No longer is it impossible for a teacher in South Africa to teach someone in Miami; no longer do educators have to drive across town each day just to lecture before three students at a time. With some creativity and willingness to try new things, any teacher can use modern methods of teaching as a way of helping students learn more efficiently and effectively by leveraging new technologies. Whether it’s Web apps, eBooks or podcasts, teachers today have plenty of ways they can leverage technology.

 While technology does allow teachers to reach more students, it’s important not to forget about face-to-face teaching. Some things can’t be communicated with a few words on an eBook or in a two-minute video. While online methods of teaching are becoming increasingly popular and effective, there are still times when you need to explain something by looking your student in the eye.

That’s where good old consultation comes into play. By talking one-on-one with students, you can get a sense of what they’re understanding and how they’re doing without needing them to raise their hand or ask questions in class. You can also talk with students who might be struggling; those who need some extra help so they don’t get left behind as everyone else moves ahead.

Micro teaching skills

Teachers are in high demand today as a service provider for many different reasons. As a teacher, you will be able to help your community and make quite a bit of money doing so. Whether you teach in an international setting or in your local school system, you will enjoy helping others with their learning needs and problem solving skills. Teaching requires patience and empathy, which are two good qualities that allow you to understand your students better while they deal with their problems in life.

Teachers may choose to develop curriculum based on current events that their students may need assistance with or they may design more hands-on activities and choose to employ current techniques like gaming to get students interested in certain subjects such as math or science. Teachers can work in almost any location including elementary schools, colleges, online programs and more.

 Teachers can work at many different types of facilities to help people with their problem solving and learning needs. Some options include local schools, international programs, online discussion forums and more. Teachers can also choose to teach a specific subject area like mathematics or science in order to assist people who are trying to find careers in those fields.

When you decide that you want to be a teacher and work at an educational facility, it is important that you have your teaching degree or certificate as well as any additional credentials that are needed in your field of expertise. For example, if you want to teach math, you will need a teaching certificate for math with your specific teaching degree along with any other training or education related to developing new curriculum or mentoring students on their math projects.

MSK Teachers Wellness Forum

Mostly all the teaching teachers lecturing lectures programs are focusing insisting only for duty-centered but not teachers lectures personal and occupational wellness. From last 20 Years our MSK Life Clinic Foundation serving Teaching community with clinical personalized consultancy division for occupation personal health and wellness in unique MSK Therapeutic Approach especially for corporate sectors without any advertisement.

MSK world First Therapeutic Consultancy Behavior Prescription Service exclusively to the Teaching Communities with ATM Approach (No Advice, No Tutorial, No Medicine) including,

Teachers Health

Teachers Emotional & Behaviour Teachers Family & Children’s Teachers Occupational Wellness

Teachers Professional De-conflicting among Teachers Teachers Marital De-conflicting & Management Teachers Post-Pandemic Crises & Stress

Teacher’s wellness Tourism stay with MSK Therapist. Teacher with self-isolation and separation distress

From teachers wellness consultancy service we have data update till the minutes, lot of teachers and lectures suffering health and wellness issues.

Very high percentage of teachers with anxiety, depression and stress symptoms including variables variants such as gender, age, job stability, the level of education at which they teach and student misbehavior , students’ parents problem , working too many roles at the same time also influence this symptomatology.

Crisis that caused teachers to suffer problems that are often related to a pandemic situation, such as anxiety, depression, domestic violence, unpleasant work-related emotions, stress due to excessive workloads, interpersonal controversial communication problems, thinking disorder, frequent headache, insomnia, sleep deprivation, dissatisfaction of life, feeling as lack of time…

…fear of dream, unknown fear ,performance anxiety, suicidal thought, insufficient support from family or others, job insecurity, teacher–student relationships, students insufficient class room response, noise pollution due to the student classroom nose, conflicting seniors, inefficient financial management, husband wife intimacy relationship problem, husband wife paranoia behaviour, separation of family or children , divorce and their age old parents health problem or death of near dear all of which restrict their ability to teach and work properly.

Teachers are heavy users of voice, and they suffer from voice problems more frequently than other occupational voice users.

Teachers suffering from bronchial asthma or systemic illnesses and history of naso-bronchial allergy, voice problems including (changes in voice quality i.e. hoarseness, roughness and breathiness, inability to raise the voice or make the voice heard in a noisy environment i.e. reduced loudness, an increased effort and/or reduced stamina of the voice or one that tires with use, difficulties or restrictions in the use of their voice by the end of the day and throat-related symptoms like soreness, discomfort, aching, dryness, increased mucus etc.

Most of teachers suffers from home management and work management balancing issues that leads to frequent fatigue, anger, health problem.

Teachers had symptoms such as running nose, itching in the nose, daily sneezing, watering of eyes.

Teachers speak longer than other professionals and that school teachers in particular are at risk for voice problems such as vocal fatigue and vocal nodules .Female teachers have been reported to suffer twice the voice disorders as compared to male teachers .There are certain inherent situations in the teaching profession which make the teacher more voice problems than other voice users.

Teachers are at high risk for voice problems, with as many as 50% of teachers experiencing voice problems and vocal abuse related to extensive voice use and classroom conditions, such as excessive noise levels.

Also teachers suffer from students related behavioural issues such as Lack of team work, empathy, and support between students.

The biggest issues new teachers facing including support, discipline, and classroom management could lead to increased instances of sick leave, absenteeism, and poor work performance.

Teachers are talking professionals so continues vocal usages that leads to frequent mouth sore, mouth ulcers.

From our consultancy services most of teacher are affected by kidney stone, stomach ulcer etc.

In class room immature, irritating, or thoughtless behaviors or “classroom incivilities

rebellion child distracting other creates behavioural problem that make reduce teaching interest,

The millennial generations are less human social value uncivil behavior that is big challenges also it directly hit health.

Example of Students Behavioural spectrum disorders:

Writing postponing, inattention, poor listening

Rigidly standing, crying, responsive when asking question Scape coating for his poor performance, class room bullying

Students can not able understand whole sentence only comprehensive one or two words Inappropriate cellphone usage in classroom and highly emotional to the over self-esteem. Skill deficit, incomplete work, Irresponsive, noise making, very talkative to the neighbors. Unnecessary taking, sharing something’s to the opposite sex students

Instruction manipulation and Complaining, teasing, and other annoying behaviors.

Students with mild ADHD don’t follow directions because they failed to understand or pay attention to each step but parents never accept the student’s problem.

Sometimes student manipulate teachers instruction to their parents that makes big trouble, heavy mind agony, teachers need to handle parents as well as institution due this behavioural issues.

This is main cause to triggering the autoimmune disorders it attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake.

The report, recently released by Scholastic Foundation, shows that the increased level of behavior problems has been seen across grade levels: 68 percent of elementary teachers, 64 percent of middle school teachers, and 53 percent of high school teachers say the same.

Student with Intellectual Disabilities often exhibit high levels of problem behaviors, such as self- injury, hyperactivity, aggression, stereotypies, anxiety, or impulsivity threatening by suicidal talk.

Most of teachers perceive that a student’s behavior deviates from their instructional goals, impairment to adaptive functioning, self-isolated/ritualistic behaviors,it make higher the intensity of unpleasant emotions which can lead to stress. The reaction to prolonged and high rates of stress can produce feelings of emotional exhaustion, which is key aspect of burnout and stress disorder.

The millennial generations are identified with the five domains of disruptive/antisocial behaviors (e.g., abusive, swearing), self-absorbed behaviors (e.g., poor sense of danger or necessary), communication disturbance (e.g., echolalia), anxiety (e.g., distressed when separated), and problems in social relating (e.g., does not show affection only self-center).

More than 87% exhibited other forms of problematic behaviors (e.g., generalized non-compliance or temper tantrums) failure or refusal to comply, as with a law, regulation, or term of a contract.

These are all some problem that psychologically damage Teachers heath and emotion.

So that, we found mindset knowledge intervention Therapy. This is mostly needed for the benefit of human fit for institutional benefit.

Our MSK Therapies Including, Professional Occupational wellness Therapy Emotional replacement Therapy

Food & Feeling remedial Therapy Mindset Analysis & Behaviour Therapy Knowledge path analysis

Mindset Knowledge replacement Therapy Mindset knowledge modification therapy Digital & Emotional De-Addiction Therapy True Parenting Therapy

Teaching Professional Fitness Occupational De-stressing Therapy Work life Balancing Therapy Complaint Management Therapy

MSK Professional Guidance for dealing student & Parental complaint Benefit of our Teaching Professional Wellness.

Institutional Growth Performance Improvement Knowledge Asset

Rich Human Capital Corporate Competence Fitness Loyal to the institution Teachers Team Coordination Learning Curve Development Transitional Management

Energetic Empowered Enlighten Professional Teachers

Our Wellness Consultancy protocol

First we conduct Initiation session that contains

  • Wellbeing cognitive awareness
  • Primary verbal analysis
  • Feedback Analysis

From based on above analysis only we accept further session Our Special Teachers wellness Contribution on Just Call:

*We are providing phone line therapeutic total wellness (family child personal geriatric behavioural health consultancy services on Just Call once in Ten days.

We allot one whole day that time teachers can get consultancy pre- appointmen.t

Also Teachers can get emergency Psychological First Aid (PFA) any Time on

Just Call

negative thinking teaching

*This will only apply for those who organization or institution connected with one year Teachers wellness program.

We welcoming you to experience our services for growth.



Founder CEO & Corporate Psychologist World First Clinic Life

Mind Set Knowledge Theorist and Development Therapeutic Consultant (Corporate Individual. Institution and Industry)

For more Information

MSK Priya Madam Project Executive Helpline Just Call +91 93602 53930

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