Mr Child

Mr Child

Welcome to Mr. Child. This is the Individualized Education Learning Therapy & Behavior Therapy Program for young children to develop their academic, behavior and Communications.


What is Mr.Child?

Mr Child is the psychological consultancy organization for rising young children in their learning process by scientific way, with True Parenting Skill.

What is True parenting skill?

True parenting skill is the skill can be developing by psychological consultation for parents to raise their children in scientific way, designed by True Parenting Forum. For more details, kindly click here.

How True Parenting Forum helps the children in the learning process beyond their teaching – coaching?

Learning is the mind process! It is beyond the teaching – coaching! Teaching – Coaching is only suitable for primary Education. If it is continued beyond primary education, the children’s learning function in their DNA will damage to the irreparable condition. True Parenting Forum develops International Learning in MSK Life Clinic Foundation for modern education.

How True Parenting Forum helps to come out from stuttering / stammering problems?

Stuttering — also called stammering or childhood-onset fluency disorder — is a speech disorder that involves frequent and significant problems with normal fluency and flow of speech. People who stutter know what they want to say, but have difficulty saying it. They may pause during speech because they’ve reached a problematic word or sound. True Parenting Forum develops Fluency Gym in MSK Life Clinic Foundation to come out from stuttering / stammering problems.

How True Parenting Forum helps to come out from Bullying?

Bullying is an intentional behavior that hurts, harms, or humiliates a student, either physically or emotionally, and can happen while at school, collage home, office and workplaces. True Parenting Forum develops Bullying Prevention and Resilience Therapy in MSK Life Clinic Foundation.

How True Parenting Forum stimulate learning space for new ideas from education to entrepreneur?

Learning involves far more than thinking: it involves the whole personality – senses, feelings, intuition, beliefs, values and will. True Parenting Forum offers Learning Gym in MSK Life Clinic Foundation. It is a one-to-one analysis and solution for ABCD (Academic Business Corporate Development) Areas from education to entrepreneur. Learning Gym stimulate learning space for new ideas, from its own methodologies and tools and from each other.

How True Parenting Forum helps to come out from children’s rebellious character?

Children’s Rebellious characters includes defiant, disobedient, insubordinate, unruly, ungovernable, unmanageable, uncontrollable, turbulent, mutinous, wayward, obstreperous, recalcitrant, refractory, intractable, resistant, dissentient, disaffected, malcontent, Nonconformist and archaic contumacious. True Parenting Forum develops Rebellious Child Behaviour Modification Therapy in MSK Life Clinic Foundation.

  • Learning difficulties
  • Writing problem
  • Learning Disorder
  • Lack of concentration
  • Hyperactivity
  • Underachievement
  • Attention Disorder
  • Incomplete assignments
  • Term papers
  • Coursework
  • Homework
  • Lack of attention

What are the major writing & reading problems of children which can solve by true parenting skill?

  • Inability to write
  • No self-study – only compulsive study habits
  • Never doing homework
  • Over confidence or over self-esteem –as I will win doesn’t worry
  • Restless
  • Hyperactivity
  • Counter talk
  • Demanding thing

What are the Behavioural Problems of children which can solve by true parenting skill?

  • Being aggressive
  • Stubborn
  • Adamant
  • Answering back
  • Disobedience
  • Temper Tantrums and hitting other school kids
  • Inability to sit in the one place in the class room
  • Very talkative or unusual calmness
  • Bullying (from elementary school to college)
  • Temper tantrums
  • Bedwetting
  • Child Depression
  • Sleep Disorder and Child stress
  • Frequent Anger
  • Child Anxiety
  • Inadequate study habits and lack of ideal time management skills
  • Emotional outburst

What are the Adjustment Problems of children which can solve by true parenting skill?

  • Stealing
  • Lying
  • More relations with opposite sex
  • Keeping bad company
  • Spending too long time over cell phone
  • Digital Addiction with TV, video Game or Internet
  • Other related adolescent adjustment issues.

What are the Emotional problems of children which can solve by true parenting skill?

  • Exam phobia
  • Exam fever
  • Refusal to attend school/collage
  • Psychogenic aches/ pains/ headaches/ stomachaches/ fits/ seizures
  • Psychogenic stammering
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fears
  • Phobias
  • Bed wetting
  • Thumb sucking
  • Nail biting

What are the Children’s disruptive behaviour disorders which can solve by true parenting skill?

  • Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
  • Conduct disorder (CD)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Anxiety disorder

If Children’s disruptive behaviour disorders continues what will happen?

If Children’s disruptive behaviour disorder continues, then it will hinder social relations, communications and learning of a child and cause harm to them, their families, their peers and other adults.

What are the common disruptive behaviours of children which can solve by true parenting skill?

  • Temper tantrums
  • Physical aggression such as attacking other children
  • Excessive argumentativeness
  • Stealing and other forms of defiance or resistance to authority
  • Impulse control disorders

What is impulsivity? How impulsive control will cause mind stress?

Impulsivity is the tendency to act without thinking, for example run across the street without looking. Impulse control is also leads to other mind illness, including bulimia, substance abuse and paraphilias.

What is an impulse control disorder?

Impulse control disorders identified as stand-alone disorders like kleptomania, pyromania, pathological gambling, intermittent explosive disorder, pathological gambling and trichotillomania.

List out some behaviors problems of young children?

  1. Refusing to follow the rules laid by parents or school authorities.
  2. Repetitive truancy.
  3. Trying abusive substances like alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs at a very early age.
  4. Always ready to fight.
  5. Aggressive towards animals and pets.
  6. Use of weapons.
  7. Lying frequently.
  8. Indulging in criminal acts like committing burglary, lighting up property and breaking into houses.
  9. Running away from home.
  10. Suicidal tendencies, although rare
  11. Money steeling and hiding at home or others
  12. Trouble focusing on one thing.
  13. Disoriented when you speak to them.
  14. Difficulty remembering things, instructions, directions, etc.
  15. Inattention to detail reading and listening.
  16. Unable to comprehend instructions only understand single words sentence.
  17.  Unable to keep memory.
  18. Poor communication abilities.
  19. Easily getting annoyed or nervous
  20. Often appearing angry
  21. Putting blame on others
  22. Refusing to follow rules or questioning authority
  23. Arguing and throwing temper tantrums
  24. Having difficulty in handling frustration
  25. Unhealthy or inconsistent discipline style
  26. Poor attitude toward education or schooling
  27. Difficulty with interpersonal relationships, including relationships with teachers and peers
  28. A general feeling of unhappiness or depression
  29. Feelings of fear and anxiety related to personal or school matters
  30. Inappropriate actions or emotions under normal circumstances
  31. Argues with adults & actively refuses to do what adults ask and disobeys rules
  32. Often blaming other people for one’s own mistakes or misbehaviour
  33. Anxious, depressed, uncommunicative, obsessive, somatic complaint, social withdrawal, hyperactive, aggressive, and delinquent behaviours
  1. Impulsive/hyperactive Behaviour
  2. Inattentive and distractible Behaviour
  3. Blaming Others
  4. Physical Aggression
  5. Disrespect and backtalk
  6. Abusive language- zero tolerance for verbal abuse at home.
  7. Aggressive or violent behaviour
  8. Lying
  9. Bullying
  10. Manipulation
  11. Lack of interest and laziness at studies

What is learning?

Learning is the process, which involves whole personality more than thinking with senses, feelings, intuition, beliefs, values and will.

What is listening?

Listening receiving individual sounds (letters, stress, rhythm and pauses) and to convert these into messages that mean something.
Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences.

List out some listening problems in detail?

Auditory processing disorder in adults may manifest as poor listening skills, poor reading comprehension, or miscommunication that causes trouble with coworkers, partners, family and friends.

  1. Understanding only single words & sentence
  2. Inability to understand big sentence or more than single words
  3. Listening fatigue
  4. Feel boredom to listen at class room or parents or relation
  5. Only Part of instruction taken to the execution, remaining parts are forgotten
  6. Expressing anger on listening situation
  7. Feel unease or Very struggle to give answers
  8. Avoiding suggestion or advice or not even interested to consult medical expert
  9. Inappropriate eye contact
  10. In social circle only less friendship or always willing to stay alone

What are the components of listening skill?

  1. Listening
  2. Speaking
  3. Reading
  4. Writing

Children with deficits in listening comprehension often can’t able to follow directions or understand

What are the types of listening?

  1. Appreciative
  2. Empathic
  3. Comprehensive and
  4. Critical

List out the skills of listening?

  1. Attention – Undivided attention, and acknowledge the message.
  2. Showing or Expressing as Listening.
  3. Giving correct Feedback.
  4. Defer Judgment.
  5. Respond Appropriately.

What is critical listening skill?

Critical listening is listening to evaluate the content of the message.
Listening to all parts of the message, analyzing it, and evaluating what you heard. Critical listener is to evaluate the message that is being sent.

What are the causes of writing problem (dysgraphia)?

  1. Lack of word & Poor vocabulary.
  2. Awkward phrasing and unconventional grammar.
  3. Inappropriate use of colloquial language.
  4. Difficulty with sentence structure and word order.
  5. Trouble reading back -what is written?
  6. Difficulty with word sounds, spelling, and meanings.

What are the signs of writing problem?

Kids, children’s, students with dysgraphia have unclear, irregular, or inconsistent handwriting, often with different slants, shapes, upper- and lower-case letters, and cursive and print styles. They also tend to write or copy things slowly.

The most common symptoms are;

  1. Cramped grip, which may lead to a sore hand.
  2. Difficulty spacing things out on paper or within margins (poor spatial planning)
  3. Frequent erasing.
  4. Inconsistency in letter and word spacing.
  5. Poor spelling, including unfinished words or missing words or letters.
  6. Unusual wrist, body, or paper position while writing

What are the symptoms of Mathematical Disorder Dyscalculia?

Math skills are necessary for success in the childhood educational and future adult work environment.

Typical disorder symptoms include:

  1. Difficulty counting backwards
  2. Difficulty remembering ‘basic’ facts
  3. Slow to perform calculations
  4. Weak mental arithmetic skills
  5. A poor sense of numbers & estimation
  6. Difficulty in understanding place value
  7. Addition is often the default operation
  8. High levels of mathematics anxiety

What is Dyspraxia?

Motor skills help us with movement and coordination. Dyspraxia is a neurological disorder that impacts an individual’s ability to plan and process motor tasks. A young child with dyspraxia may bump into things or have trouble holding a spoon or tying his shoelaces. Later, he may struggle with things like writing and typing. Other problems associated with dyspraxia include:

  1. Speech difficulties
  2. Sensitivity to light, touch, taste, or smell
  3. Difficulty with eye movements
  4. Can’t stand alone, always hand on holding something’s

What are the common signs of learning problem?

  1. Lack of enthusiasm for reading or writing
  2. Trouble memorizing things
  3. Working at a slow pace
  4. Trouble following directions
  5. Trouble staying focused on a task
  6. Difficulty understanding abstract ideas
  7. Lack of attention to detail, or too much attention to detail
  8. Poor social skills
  9. Disruptiveness

What are the symptoms of reading problem?

  1. Problems sounding out words.
  2. Difficulty recognizing sounds and the letters that make up those sounds.
  3. Poor spelling.
  4. Slow reading.
  5. Problems reading out loud with correct expression.
  6. Problems understanding what were just read.

What are the common patterns of reading problems?

  1. Decoding (and sometimes average) below average.
  2. Spelling below average.
  3. Oral vocabulary and listening comprehension at least average.
  4. Fluency often below average due to decoding problems.
  5. Reading comprehension often below average due to decoding problems.

What are the main causes of slow reading?

Cognitive, Deficits or weaknesses in key cognitive processing areas can point to a root cause of slow and laboured reading.

What are the areas of deficit that can impact reading speed?

  1. Auditory processing.
  2. Visual processing.
  3. Working Memory.
  4. Processing speed.
  5. Executive functioning and attention.

What are the causes of slow learning processing disorder?

This includes doing homework, having a conversation, and making decisions like what to eat for breakfast. Often mistakes two similar-sounding words, Has difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments, Has trouble learning to read and spell, Hard to follow conversations, Information processing disorders, including auditory or visual processing disorders.

What are the different signs of reading comprehension problems?

There are a few different signs of reading comprehension problems. People with a learning disability in reading comprehension;

  1. Have difficulty understanding the important ideas in reading passages
  2. Have trouble with basic reading skills such as word recognition
  3. May read aloud with little trouble, but do not understand or remember what they’ve read
  4. Have weak phrasing and fluency
  5. Frequently avoid reading and are frustrated with reading tasks

List out the major difficulties for reading comprehension struggle

  1. Semantic processing – the processing of perceiving words and placing them in a context that allows for deeper meaning.
  2. Vocabulary – all the words known by an individual person.
  3. Inferences – the act or process of reaching a conclusion about something from known facts or evidence.
  4. Text structure – the many ways text can be organized.
  5. Grammar – the study of the classes of words, their inflections, as well as their functions and relations in the sentence.

What are the symptoms of emotional behavioural?

Emotional symptoms of behavioral include;

  1. Easily getting annoyed or nervous.
  2. Often appearing angry.
  3. Putting blame on others.
  4. Refusing to follow rules or questioning authority.
  5. Arguing and throwing temper tantrums.
  6. Having difficulty in handling frustration

What is Cell phone & Internet Addiction Disorder?

Signs and symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder may present themselves in both physical and emotional manifestations.

Some of the emotional symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder may know in the names of Social media addiction and social media overuse.

What are the Communication disorders in children?

Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder. A child has developmental delays and problems understanding spoken language and speaking.

Expressive language disorder.

Speech-sound disorders.

Childhood-onset fluency disorder.

Social communication disorder.

Communication related issues tends to inability to response in class room and home, Selective Mutism, Improper talking, lack of expression and feelings, over maturity talk or under maturity talk.

What are the symptoms of Communication Disorders:

  1. Repetitive sounds.
  2. Misuse of words.
  3. Inability to communicate in an understandable way.
  4. Inability to comprehend messages

List out the various types Communication disorders

  1. Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder. A child has developmental delays and problems understanding spoken language and speaking.
  2. Expressive language disorder. A child has developmental delays and problems speaking.
  3. Speech-sound disorders. A child has a hard time expressing words clearly past a certain age.
  4. Childhood-onset fluency disorder. This is also known as stuttering. It starts in childhood and can last throughout life.
  5. Social communication disorder. A child has trouble with verbal and nonverbal communication that is not caused by thinking problems.

What are the symptoms of Social Communication Disorder?

  1. Responding to others.
  2. Using gestures such as waving and pointing.
  3. Taking turns when talking.
  4. Talking about emotions and feelings.
  5. Staying on topic.
  6. Adjusting speech to fit different people and different circumstances.
  7. Asking relevant questions.

List out the categories of communication disorders organized by DSM-5

  1. Language Disorder.
  2. Speech Sound Disorder.
  3. Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering)
  4. Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder.
  5. Unspecified Communication Disorder.

What are the Development issues to be solving for school children?

Development issues related to the class room behviour, Adoption Disorder, sensory problem, fine motor skill problem, Cultural and social norms

What are the persistent issues to be solving for school children in social interactions and communications:

These are predominantly seen by unresponsiveness in conversations, lesser emotional sharing, inability to initiate conversations, inability to interpret body language, avoidance of eye-contact and difficulty maintaining relationships.

What are the repetitive behavioral patterns to be consider for rising school children?

These patterns can be seen in the form of repeated movements of the hand or the phrases used while talking. A rigid adherence to schedules and inflexibility to adapt even if a minor change is made to their routine is also one of the behavioral symptoms of ASD. They could also display sensory patterns such as extreme aversion to certain odors or indifference to pain or temperature.

What is Neuro-developmental disorder?

The range of developmental deficits varies from very specific limitations of learning or control of executive functions to global impairments of social skills or intelligence. The neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of conditions with onset in the developmental period. The disorders typically manifest early in development, often before the child enters grade school, and are characterized by developmental deficits that produce impairments of personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning

What are the basic components of MSK special Learning Therapy?

  1. Specialized learning methods.
  2. Result oriented modules
  3. Fluency in language Tamil and English
  4. Enhancement of Lexical power
  5. Difference between Verbal and Non-Verbal communication
  6. Science of Conversation
  7. Business English
  8. Voice Modulation
  9. Special emphasis on pronunciation
  10. Social Business etiquette and grooming
  11. Hard & Soft skills

What are the aspects will be focused in MSK Corporate Parental Learning?

The major aspects will be focused in MSK Corporate Parental Learning are Strategy, Organizational Change & Behavioral Coaching.

MSK Corporate Parental Learning also focus;

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Business Communication
  3. Team Building
  4. Negotiation skills
  5. Multitasking
  6. Problem Solving & decision making Skills
  7. Crisis Management
  8. Conflict management
  9. Positive Attitude
  10. Motivational Workshop
  11. Personality Development & Grooming
  12. Communication Skills
  13. Managerial Training
  14. Public Speaking
  15. Presentation Skills
  16. Behavioral training
  17. Time Management
  18. Stress Management

What is IDEA Learning Therapy in Mr.Child?

IDEA refers Intellectually Developing Educational Attitude. IDEA is the Schooling Skill Development Learning Therapeutic Course developed by Mind Set Knowledge (MSK).

MSK Module for IDEA Therapy: ABCD (Academic, Behavior, Communication, Development)

Course of Therapy Duration: 12 levels – Each Level 90 Days

Course session: Direct or Online or Phone line

Course Philosophy: ATM – No Advice, No Tutorial, No Medicine

What are the MSK Solutions Formats for Mr.Child?

MSK refers Mind Set Knowledge developed by MSK Life Clinic Foundation. MSK decoding skills development therapy helps the automaticity. So students have the “cognitive space” to engage with the text. To know more about MSK Life Clinic Foundation, kindly visit

The MSK Solutions Formats for Mr.Child are;

  • One-on-One personalized Consultation
  • Group training & Consultation
  • On-Life -Direct face to face or On line or phone line

What is the Mr.Child Solution in personalized Executive formats?

One-on-One Learning Therapy is the MSK Learning Solution in personalized Executive formats. Which includes Dynamic participant-centered (learning), multi-sensory learning format (skill to develop process of audio, visual, kinesthetic learning) to accelerate learner acquisition of knowledge and skills. MSK has had many success stories with this personalized format.

mr child Stuttering happiness Industrial Development learning couple music Neurodiversity Personality Rejuvenation child intimacy sleep wellness corporate presentation listen negative thinking insomnia

How can you join in Mr.Child – psychological therapeutic consultation course to raise your children?

The most common methods available to join in Mr.Child are;

  1. Direct consultation: Those who can come directly to contact the Mr.Child consultants are welcome to MSK Life Clinic Foundation with the pre appointments.
  2. Online Consultation: Those who cannot come directly to the MSK Life Clinic Foundation can join the course in online with their mobile phone or laptop.

We welcome you to experience our services! To find out more about us, type ‘MSK Life Clinic Foundation‘ on or click this link. You can find more information about MSK Life Clinic at and YouTube channel named MSK Life TV! Stay tuned to to know our services from time to time.

Mr.Child from MSK Life Clinic Foundation, India.

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